Pep9Milli: Verification of CISC Processors using Software Verification Tools

Recommended citation: McRaven, Matthew. (2020). "Pep9Milli: Verification of CISC Processors using Software Verification Tools."

This paper is a WIP, but will hopefully be helpful to others.

This paper introduces a process for using open-source software verification tools to verify the correctness of CISC microprocessors. The three-part process introduces a new language (millicode) at a higher level than microcode. Millicode is compiled to a high-level language (i.e., C) as well as microcode. Software verification tools verify that the high- level language representation meets the processors’s RTL. The process is demonstrated by verifying an existing CISC processor, Pep/9. A partial millicode implementation of Pep/9’s RTL is created and verified using Klee.

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